Material research:
going beyond the limits
Do you want to optimize firing processes, develop new technologies or launch new products
on the market? Our kilns for research and development are "all-rounders", allowing you to
generate any firing situation up to a temperature of 1800 °C (3272 °F). Thanks to our unique
kiln engineering, the optimized laboratory results can be transferred on one-to-one scale into
Our goal is perfect firing. For this reason we have developed a self-optimizing firing control
system, based, for example, on the specification of the maximum permissible heat flow within
a test specimen at which no crack formation occurs in the ceramic structure. The energy
supply to the kiln is dependent on this heat flow (taking into account endothermic and
exothermic reactions in the piece) and the optimal firing curve for the specific product is
generated automatically.
- DC 4 research kiln
- Tunnel kiln simulator
- Firing simulator
DC 4 research kiln (PDF) *
DC 4 research kiln (Video) **

Tomorrows Kiln Technology Today
* To view this PDF file you need the Adobe Reader. You can download this here free of charge.
** To view this video you need the Adobe Flash Player. You can download this here free of charge.